Female hair loss may be caused by heavy use of hair colors, numerouschemical treatments, infrequent shampooing and conditioning or frequent blowdrying with high heat. Also, tight braiding or weaving might also damage yourhair and lead to hair loss. Outside factors can also contribute to hair damage,so you should protect your hair from the pollution, chlorinated and hard water,wind and excessive sunlight.
If your hair is already damaged and show first signs of hairloss, there are two types of treatments recommended by hair specialists. They suggesteither non-surgical or surgical therapies.
Non-Surgical Therapy for Hair Loss
These treatments include extreme hair therapy (EXT), bio-matrixstrand by strand treatment and trima care program.
Extreme hair therapy programis combined with minoxidil, the hair loss medication approved by the FDA (Foodand Drug Administration). This program is said to slow down the thinning of thehair, stimulate growth of new hair and prolong the growth phase of hairfollicles. In addition, this program is able to clean the scalp, condition yourhair and at the same time reduce the oil produced by your scalp. It isimportant to say that this non-prescription treatment works for most women thattried it. However, in order to maintain the results, the treatments should notbe stopped at any time.
Bio-matrix strand by strand process is designed for everypatient individually. The group of cosmetologists can create the hair thatlooks exactly as yours, and there isn’t anyone who could tell the difference.
Trima care program is mostly used along the bio-matrixstrand by strand process. This program offers hair care products that are saidto improve your fine and thin hair. It contains pure ingredients, which will repairand rejuvenate your hair.
Surgical Therapy for Hair Loss
The surgery is recommended for patients that lost their hairbecause of tight braiding or scarring, and especially good for women who losethe hair in patches. Microscopic follicular unit hair transplantation has beensignificantly improved since its beginnings, and the surgeons are now able totransplant the hair exactly as it naturally grows, 1 to 4 hairs in the single groupof hairs. They use the hair from the back of the head and transplant it to thearea of thinning. The transplanted hair is DHT (dihydrotestrosterone) resistant,and with the experienced surgeon and enough of healthy hair for transplantationyou should be get more natural results than with any other procedure.
This surgical procedure has become the golden standard for thehair loss surgeries.
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