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One of the most annoying aesthetical problems is certainly dark circles in the eye area. Doesn’t matter if they are consequence of aging, genetic heritage, the weak immune system or lack of sleep, they still represent very irritant phenomenon. It is often related to the appearance of wrinkles. Many women try to fix this problem with various kinds of day and night creams, but usually, this problem requests far more effort and higher level of attention.

Beside already mentioned causers of this esthetic problem, other which are the most frequent are stress, long time exposure in the sun, and exposing to the polluted air which has toxic, damaging substances. Skin around the eye is very sensitive because of its thin and delicate structure, and that is why this area primary gets affected by this bad conditions.

Measures of precaution

It is essentially important to learn how to prevent this phenomenon of appearing, as well as how to treat it in the early phase. One of the best measure of precaution is to use face creams which has high sun protection factor (SPF 20 or stronger). One should not forget that even if strong sun protection cream is applied, sun be very harmful to our skin and should be avoided in midday hours.

Eye creams

Nowadays, many eye creams which can be found on the market, has shown great success in treating this problem. Big companies, which hold leadership in the world of beauty cosmetics, combine many ingredients to improve quality and effect of eye creams. Not only that these eye creams fight against dark circles under the eyes, they also prevent wrinkles of appearing, as well as smoothing lines which already exist and reducing the eye puffiness. These creams are rich in vitamins such as vitamin K, which helps in bringing back the natural face complexion, and that way, removes the dark spots. Of course, treatment with this eye creams will be effective only if used long-term daily.

Once we decided to pick eye cream which will best suits are skin, the aspect of different skin types shouldn’t be neglected. Depending on skin types, companies have invented various kinds of eye creams which are suitable for each individual. For example, if someone has dry skin, he or she mustn’t use eye creams based on oils because that can cause the pimples infection. Second aspect, we should also have in our minds before choosing eye cream, is the price, which is often proportioned to the effect of the eye cream.

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