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Sacroiliac Joint Pain - Overview

The sacroiliac joint is one of the largest joints in the body and it actually represents the connection between the base of the spine and the pelvis. The joint is not so mobile and there are only few movements allowed. The pain in this particular joint is located in the buttocks and the lower part of the back. It is initially restricted to the pelvis and may eventually start to radiate towards the groin area or down the legs. Such pain tends to intensify if one spends many ours sitting or standing. There are many factors which contribute to the occurrence of sacroiliac joint pain. One of the effective ways of dealing with sacroiliac joint pain includes specific exercises.

Preparation for Exercise

In order to relieve pain in the sacroiliac joint a person must first stabilize the pelvis. None of the exercises is supposed to be performed if the pelvis is in inadequate alignment since this way the pain may become even more intensive. By maintaining the optimal position during exercises one will successfully avoid accidental injuries.

Exercises for Sacroiliac Joint Pain

The goal of sacroiliac joint pain treatment is to alleviate pain and improve range of motion in the affected joint. Exercises are performed along with medicamentous treatment.

The best thing for such patients is to stick to range of motion exercises. There are three quite beneficial exercises of this type.

Firstly, there is single knee to chest stretch. This exercise includes pulling of the knee up to the chest and gentle pumping of the knee at the top of the range motion. Such pumping must be repeated for 3-4 times and with each leg. 10 repetitions will do.

Secondly, there is press-up exercise. The person initially takes the prone position, then presses up on the hands and keeps the pelvis in contact with the floor. The lower back and buttocks must be kept relaxed so that one can perform a gentle stretch. The person is supposed to hold the press-up position for 5 seconds and gradually increase the time after each repetition until he/she manages to stay in the position for 30 seconds. This exercise also requires 10 repetitions.

The third exercise for sacroiliac joint pain is lumbar rotation. This is a non-weight bearing type of the exercise. The person lies on the back with both of his/her knees bend and feet on the floor. The knees are rocked from side to side while thighs are rubbed together and knees remain as close as possible. The lower spine is supposed to be immobilized. This exercise should last around 30 seconds.

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