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Exercising is known to have countless benefits which affect lives of people positively, keeping them healthy and happy at the same time. However, exercising is also a great cure for depression and individuals who exercise regularly rarely suffer from mood problems or negativity itself.

Positive Sides of Exercising when Depressed

First of all, exercising helps your body release endorphins which are, basically, our feel-good hormones. These reduce any pain you might be feeling and make you feel positive and satisfied, as if you have been administered a small dose of morphine.

When people start working out, they reach a stage when their body passes its former limits and this leads to a phenomenon called “the runner's high”, when the person exercising feels positive and energized because of the physical activity he/she has been performing.

Finally, since endorphins shut down pain, they act like your body's natural analgesics, without triggering any kind of addiction or side-effects.

Benefits of Exercising Regularly

If you are depressed and you start exercising regularly, you are bound to experience a decrease in stress levels and the degree of depression and worry. As your body becomes more and more toned, your self-esteem levels will rise. Furthermore, you will be happy and satisfied with yourself and this will boost your positive outlook on life even more. Additionally, your sleeping will be significantly improved by your exercising.

However, these are not all of the benefits you will reap once you decide to exercise your depression away. Rather, your heart will become stronger, you will have more energy and your blood pressure levels will drop. At the same time, you will boost your muscles and your overall strength, fortifying your bones and reducing body fat. All in all, you will create a new, positive, fit and healthy you.

Exercising vs. Clinical Depression

Researchers have shown that certain physical activities work well for removing depression, even when it is clinical. These are biking, dancing, gardening, golfing, household chores, moderate jogging, low-impact aerobics, tennis, walking, swimming, mowing, raking or yoga.

Moreover, you might join a group of people who are fighting the same problem you are. People in exercise classes will share your goal and will be there to support or advise you.

Nevertheless, you can always benefit from consulting your doctor before you engage in any kind of physical activity, especially if you suffer from some kind of a chronic illness and are older than 50.

Once you have decided to take up exercising, think about the favorite physical activity of yours and plan out your routine. All you need is about 30 minutes, three times a week. Choose a variety of exercises to keep your mind busy and relaxed and feel free to explore, changing and modifying your routine.

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