Evening primrose oil
Evening primrose is a certain type of wildflower which is rather common in the United States. The leaves grow in circles around the stems, and they are commonly rather close to the ground. They grow on both sides of the stem at nicely arranged alternating levels. Flowers commonly tend to bloom after sunset, and only during the summer. Native Americans have always used its seeds for culinary purposes and they also used the plants for the preparation of poultices for the healing of bruises. Evening primrose oil was introduced for medicinal purposes only recently. Later on, the root of the evening primrose was taken to Europe where it is often used for various different culinary purposes. The oil is derived from the seeds of the evening primrose and is an excellent source of the gamma linolenic acid, which is one of the most important essential fatty acids known to man. The oil is jam packed with other omega-6 essential fatty acids such as the linoleic acid. which are very important for the growth and development of molecules in the human body. A good health of a person is largely based on a good balance of omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids. The oil gets extracted from the seeds by utilizing a substance called hexane and the content of essential fatty acids is quite high. One should take notice that not all omega-6 essential are that harmful. The one found in the evening primrose oil is considered to be very health. Evening primrose oil can be purchased in its liquid form and also in the form of capsules. All products that contain evening primrose oil need to be refrigerated and they need to be kept out of direct sunlight. Products characterized by high quality are usually certified as organic and come packaged in containers resistant to light which are clearly marked with an exact freshness date. Standardized evening primrose oil products need to contain 8 percent of gamma linolenic acid. It is a widely known fact that most different types of herbal remedies and preparations are highly efficient in treating numerous different medical conditions and strengthening the body. In spite of that, they may trigger certain side effects and interactions, so one needs to be careful when dosing the herbal supplement. Children should not use evening primrose oil, but as far as adults are concerned, standardized evening primrose oil can be taken in daily doses of between 2 and 8 grams, depending on each individual case.
Benefits of evening primrose oil
Evening primrose oil can be used for various medicinal purposes, but the most common ones include PMS systems, arthritis related conditions, eczema, dermatitis and such. Women who suffer from certain types of menopausal symptoms such as the hot flashes sometimes use evening primrose oil in order to alleviate them. Mastalgia is a medicinal term for breast pain, and in some cases the evening primrose oil may come in very handy in relieving the annoying sensation. Diabetic peripheral neuropathy is a medical condition characterized by painful sensations, burning sensations, tingling, numbness or a lack of sensation in the legs and the feet. This condition is triggered by diabetes and can be relieved by using evening primrose oil. Some cases of Raynaud’s phenomenon may also be treated with evening primrose oil. Another medical condition which may be relieved by using evening primrose oil includes the rheumatoid arthritis. This is mainly due to the fact the evening primrose oil may be somewhat efficient in slowing down the damaging of the joints. Premenstrual syndrome is a medical condition which bothers a large number of women everywhere around the world. In most cases the evening primrose oil may be of certain help in alleviating the symptoms. Medical condition which is most commonly treated with evening primrose oil is eczema. It is a skin related medical condition commonly characterized by itching, scaling of the skin and redness at the affected areas. It is due to same properties that the evening primrose oil can be used for the treatment of dermatitis. Other skin related symptoms such as swelling, crusting and edema can be treated by this oil.
Precautions and Interactions
In most cases when used in recommended dosages, evening primrose oil is completely safe, but in some rare cases it may be associated with certain mild side effects such as headaches, painful sensations in the stomach and nausea. High doses may lead to the development of loose stools as well. Those who suffer from epilepsy or other types of seizure disorders need to steer clear of all different types of omega-6 essential fatty acid supplements. The same can be said for all those who suffer from different types of blood disorders and bleeding problems. Breastfeeding and pregnant women need to consult their healthcare provider before using evening primrose oil. This oil may interact with certain types of antidepressants, medications for seizure control, phenothizines, blood pressure medications and blood thinningmedications.
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