There are the many substances in our organism that have a veryimportant role but are produced in small amounts. Still, if the secretion ofthese substances stops, the organism can face serious medical problems. Therefore,learning about some of these substances is very important, particularly when having in mind that they areelements of bigger systems and several of those systems make our bodyfunction properly.
For example, the respiratory system is responsible for the exchangeof gases in the lungs, for inhalation of oxygen and exhalation of carbondioxide. Oxygen is something we simply need for living; without it, we die in amatter of minutes. There is a heart and bloodstream, which present the system forblood pumping that helps with the distribution of nutrients and oxygen withinthe body. Certain medical problems can occur if any part of this machineryfails, for known or unknown reason.
Digestion process is also important since it is used forcreating enough energy for our functioning. Essentially, it is breaking downsubstances to the molecules that can be absorbed in intestinal part and thenused wherever needed in the body. The problem sometimes happens when the substancesthat participate in the digestion process are disabled form executing theirfunctions. Let's take lipase for example.
Lipase is used for dealing with fats in the food. It reducesfats down to fatty acids, which can be stored and used later on, when the needfor it arises. Of course, this fat accumulation is OK if it is kept at theminimum level, which is not the case often. Lipase is created in the pancreas andthe problems that might affect this organ may, directly or indirectly, causeproblems with fat metabolism. There is also another possible problem that occurs in some people whose mucosa layers in the walls of organs are simply toothick to allow the enzymes to pass through easily, if at all. Celiac disease andChron’s disease are medical conditions that are related to this medical issue.
Elevated lipase levels are related to several signsand symptoms, including tiredness constant urinating, sweating, thirst. Lipaselevel is elevated if it crosses 160 units in a liter. Leading a constantly healthy life includes a regular medicalexamination with a complete blood work performed at a hospital. This is essentialbecause sometimes some medical conditions can be revealed only like this. Thisespecially goes for men, because there are many medical issues related to the urinary tract that are usually completely painless.
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