Methandrostenolone or dianabol is a steroid medication. It is a C17 alpha alkylated steroid, used orally. Its main function is to increase the level of proteins and therefore affect the testosterone level in the same way. Doctors agree that dianabol positive effects are the buildup of the muscle mass and nitrogen balance. If used in low amounts, under the supervision of doctors, and combined with proper amount of exercise, dianabol is believed not to have negative consequences for the body.
To prevent potential negative effects, patients using dianabol are advised to drink a lot of water (2 to 3l), and regularly visit their doctors and control their condition. Athletes are recommended to try some milder anabolic drug first, in order to see how their body reacts to these drugs, and after that experience to switch to dianabol.
Dianabol has both anabolic and androgenic effects to the human organism, and what effects you will experience depend on your organism, since the effects are individual. However, people using this oral steroid can be faced with heart, liver and some other health problems.
Heart and Liver Problems Associated with Dianabol
People using dianabol usually noticeably increase their body weight and metabolism, which could affect their heart as well. Increased pressure and heart beat rate have proven to be problematic for some patients, leading to some other heart-related issues. Dianabol is also recorded to increase the level of cholesterol in the blood, also causing some negative effects for the humanheart.
Dianabol is hepatotoxic medication, which means that it can affect the functioning of the liver. All steroids alkylated in the C17 alpha position have been established as hard to deactivate in the liver. Large amounts of dianabol may cause damage to the liver or even provoke some liver cancers.
Male Reproductive System
Testosterone in the body gets converted to estrogen, and because of that fact people using dianabol may experience tiredness, raise of body fat or loss of muscle tone. There are even more problems for men using dianabol, since this steroid is also connected to gynecomastia (abnormal development of large breasts in men), enlarged prostate and different sexual problems, such as loss of sexual function and libido.
Other Dianabol Side Effects
This oral steroid has been reported to provoke hair growth, and some skin and even psychological problems.
When you start using dianabol, you might experience increased growth of the hair on your face and body, or pimples and acne on your face, neck, chest or shoulders. Patients on this medication can feel different than they used to, showing some extreme enthusiasm, which can be beneficial for the athletes to train even more. However, people using dianabol are often found to be very loud and aggressive outside the sport and in the public.
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