Dry Elbow Characteristics
Many people have experienced having dry elbows. This phenomenon is usually connected with winter, or other colder parts of the year, when there is not enough humidity in the air. Then, the skin on our elbows may get more dry than usually, becoming rough and possibly producing flakes of dry skin. Beside the above mentioned reasons, several other factors influence the appearance of dry elbows. Firstly, our elbows have a lot thicker skin over them. This skin is made such in order to protect the bone below it. However, thicker skin means that this skin needs more moisture so as not to become dry. Taking into consideration the fact that, during the winter as well as during other parts of the year, we tend to lean on and use our elbows often, it is not that strange that they may become dry, especially, if air humidity is low at certain periods.
Additional Reasons Behind Dry Elbows
Apart from those mentioned above, we need to take into consideration the fact that our elbows are almost always exposed. This makes them vulnerable greatly. Whenever we are not wearing long sleeves, we leave these parts of our body out in the open. This exposes them to numerous particles from the air, some more serious than the other. These may influence the skin on our elbow, dehydrating it and therefore making it dry. Excessive dryness will surely result in skin peeling or the appearance of scales of dead skin likely to fall off. Now that we know that the elbow part of the skin is thicker, we need to bear in mind that it needs more water in order to be successfully moisturized and therefore prevented from getting dry.
Possible Remedies for Dry Elbows
First and foremost, when something is dry, you need to give it water and moisturize it. The same principle goes out for our dry elbows. Thus, upon experiencing this phenomenon, make sure you purchase some of many products for skin moisturizing. For those more serious cases, involving skin peels and similar side-effects, there are topical creams which may help.
Before applying any of these, you need to exfoliate your skin, thereby removing dead portions of it in order to enable the medication or the moisturizer to reach the healthy parts of it. You may use a bathing sponge or some other products. Brown sugar and olive oil as well as lemon and baking soda both present excellent combinations to be applied onto your elbows before exfoliating. After this, you are to apply the moisturizers.
After experiencing positive results with the continual exfoliating and moisturizing sessions, apply only non-alcoholic moisturizers to your healthy elbows daily, especially during the winter. In cases of any complications, or persistent dryness, seek medical attention as soon as possible.
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