Addiction to substances has been a tendency of the human race since times immemorial. Namely, people have been smoking tobacco and cannabis or drinking alcohol for ages. However, these drugs may easily lead to an addition and the affected person may not be able to quit even though his/her health may be seriously affected. Namely, once an addiction takes place, quitting the supply of the source of the addiction results in a series of withdrawal symptoms. This is the hardest part and usually leads to a relapse.
Patterns of Drug Abuse
Different drugs lead to different symptoms and manifestations. However, every drug addiction has a certain pattern of effects. Commonly, the first step is the use of the drug in question, followed by intoxication. Then, overdose commonly takes place due to increased level of tolerance to the drug and finally hangover occurs, once the effect fades away.
Also, people may use drugs or addictive substances in different ways. Some may be prone to binging while others may use large amounts of the addictive substance without showing any symptoms whatsoever. Finally, certain individuals may overuse a substance, this leading to severe intoxication.
Reasons behind Drug Abuse
Most people use drugs because they enjoy the effect the drug provides. On the other hand, some individuals may abuse drugs and other substances in order to escape from personal problems and frustrations.
Parents usually try to seek for signs of drug abuse in their children, once their behavior becomes suspicious. However, this is not an easy task since many factors of one's drug abuse take place in secrecy and seclusion.
The Withdrawal Symptoms
Once a person stops taking an addictive substance, he/she is likely to suffer from disrupted sleep or rest, depression, anxiety, mood swings and many other health issues. Of course, the symptoms themselves will depend on the underlying drug triggering them.
Apart from a physical addiction to a certain substance, people become addicted mentally too. Therefore, during the withdrawal period they might feel overwhelming and painful cravings for the drug, accompanied by physical aches and numerous other hardships. The drug gives an illusion of energy and strength and, once people are not “high” they feel week and limited.
Treatment for Drug Abuse
The first step to any kind of rehabilitation and cessation of drug abuse is admitting that you have a problem. Accept all the help and support you have and rely on your doctors, family members, friends and other people who care about you.
Sometimes a clean break from an addiction can be dangerous, especially when it comes to alcohol or tranquillizer addiction. Then, you are best to decrease the dosages and gradually get closer to a complete cessation.
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