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During pregnancy, a woman gains some weight, adding poundsthe values of which depend on the weight of the bodyand the basal metabolism of the mother. So, what would be useful dietary informationwhen you are expecting? Healthy eating is very important in this period, forboth mother and a child, no matter what the weight is.


Pregnant women must eat a lot of fruits and vegetables whichshould be fresh and treated minimally. Also, food rich in fiber should not beused much, because that food causes bloating and that is not needed when thebelly is already big because of pregnancy. Besides, such food might lead to stomachissues. Nutrients must be present, minerals and vitamins too, but the same goes for antioxidants. Furthermore, fruits such as walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds andsimilar fruits contain a lot of needed vitamins, especially thosedissolved in fat. There are also non-saturated fatty acids (important forproper development of neural systems in baby). Spinach, broccoli and similar veggiesshould be used because they contain a lot of iron and folic acid, which is essential forprevention of anemia, because the amount of required iron is increased in pregnancy.

The only reason why a pregnant woman should eat a lot of fiber is that it willreduce the level of glucose in the bloodstream and partially the risk ofdiabetes emerging. The volume of diet fibers increases in colon thanks towater, and it stretches the colon, which increases the effectiveness of the digestion tract. Thisis important because constipation might occur in the second and third trimesterof pregnancy. Milk and dairy products should be used as much as possible,because of calcium and probiotics, which also enhance the functioning ofdigestive tract. Eggs should also be used, because they contain a lot ofimportant nutrients, such as essential fatty acids.


Saturated sugars should be avoided because they increase thelevel of glucose in the bloodstream and lead to increase of weight, which mayinduce obesity. White pastry should be eliminated from the menu because morevitamins and nutrient are found in integral pastry. A lot of water should betaken since it helps in avoiding kidney infections and also in thefunction of this organ. Canned fish should not be used, tuna either, because ofsome statistics which indicate the presence of mercury. This is why only freshfish should be used, which will help pregnant women to avoid taking in toxins and metals.

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