Chronic fatigue
It is quite normal when one experience tirednessafter performing some strenuous activity, or after a sleepless night. This tirednessusually disappears after a rest. However, it is not normal when one feelsconstant fatigue without any apparent reasons. Chronic fatigue is a condition marked by the persistentfatigue that tends to aggravate with physical activities. Unlike commontiredness, chronic fatigue cannot be eliminated by a rest. Apart from constant feeling of restlessness, chronicfatigue may also cause swollen and painful lymph nodes, inattentiveness, achein the muscles and whole body, as well as extreme exhaustion and sleepdisorders.
Myalgic encephalomyelitis is the medical term forthe chronic fatigue syndrome, which refers to all the symptoms of the chronicfatigue. The main cause for the occurrence of this conditionis not discovered yet, although there are certain conditions that may bepotential causes for the chronic fatigue, such as depression, stress and weakimmune system. Furthermore, chronic fatigue may be caused by viral infectionsand hormonal changes as well.
Diet for chronic fatigue
There is a theory that holds the statement thatnutritional deficiency aggravates the symptoms of the chronic fatigue. Therefore,a healthy diet consisted of healthy foods is a treatment option when chronicfatigue is in the question. The people who suffer from chronic fatigue should consumefoods that are high in complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains, cornmeal, oatmealand barley. Apart from complex carbohydrates, these foods are also rich invitamins, minerals and fibers. Furthermore, proteins are vital nutrients since theyassist in triggering antibodies and enzymes, as well as hormones. It is alsoproven that the proteins are very effective in reducing the pain and stiffness.Therefore, people with chronic fatigue should consume nuts, seeds and soyproducts, since these foods are rich in protein.
The diet for chronic fatigue should include freshfruits and vegetables, since they are high in antioxidants, vitamins and mineralsand can boost the weakened immune system. It is very important to hydrate the body by drinkingplenty of water, at least 8 to 10 glasses a day. The diet for chronic fatigue should not includefoods that contain high levels of sugar because the chronic fatigue can beworsened when the levels of the sugar in the blood fluctuate. However, honeymay be consumed since it is a natural sweetener and can be easily digested. The diet should not include the processed foodssince these foods are low in calories but high in fats, and can only aggravate thechronic fatigue.
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