Type 2 diabetes affects people more than any other type of thediabetes, which according to some statistics means that approximately 90 to 95% of those who suffer from diabetes have the type 2. People with this type of diabetesare insulin resistant because their body either does not make sufficientamounts of it, or it does not use it in the right way.
3 useful tips for those who have to deal with type 2diabetes
The doctors provide all the necessary information to peoplewho are diagnosed with this type of diabetes, and in order not to develop type1 diabetes, it is highly recommended that they follow the advice given and takecare of their health and diet. It is also a good idea to introduce any physicalactivity, whichever the person might find interesting, because it helps on manylevels. However, three tips that all those who suffer from type 2 diabetes couldbenefit from refer to the following:
Drinking fluids is absolutely a must for several reasons,but definitely one of the most important is that this way, dehydration will beavoided, and thus fatigue and even increase in the levels of sugar in the bloodas well. The intake of drinks that contain caffeine should be limited since itmight cause restlessness and problems with sleep. However, herbal teas areallowed and they should not be avoided.It is important to find a good way to deal with the everydaystress because it also affects the levels of sugar in the blood. This is whyany relaxation technique that is known to be beneficial and helpful should beused. Breathing in the right manner can reduce the stress, as well as soakingbath, listening to some nice music, enjoying a hobby or any other thing oractivity that the person finds pleasant. It is also important not to overloadoneself with the work, and if necessary, the person has to learn to say no fromtime to time, particularly in cases of unreasonable demands.Enough good sleep at night is necessary because it will helpa person to feel better during the day and less stressed as well. Otherwise,the person will be more prone to insulin resistance, sleep apnea, or some otherproblems which are closely related to diabetes. It might not be a good idea touse weekends to sleep longer than usual since the rhythm of the body might bedisrupted this way. The bedroom must provide a person with some calming andpeaceful environment, and in case a person cannot fall asleep in more than halfan hour, it is recommended to find some book, boring preferably, and startreading it.
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