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A Choice You May Possibly Regret

Many people who suffer from acne, upon paying their dermatologist a visit, get prescribed antibiotic treatment. Even though this may prove to be an effective way of dealing with this severe skin condition, it may also end up being the worst decision you have ever made. Namely, even though many dermatologists prescribe antibiotics for these purposes quite leisurely, these medications may cause numerous health problems, some more serious than the others. Apart from that, their effect is quite short-lasting in comparison to the amount of money one is to pay for them. So, for all these, and many other reasons yet to be mentioned, make sure you think twice each time you are advised to have your acne treated by means of taking antibiotics.

The More You Take, the More You Suffer

Even though, initially, these medications will have a positive effect on your skin health, you are under no circumstances advised to use them for a longer period of time. They do kill the bacteria behind acne. However, the bacteria do not disappear completely since, it is present all over our skin. Therefore, if you manage to kill some bacteria with the antibiotics you are using, the others will become immune in time and only make things worse for you. Thus, the whole acne problem may escalate as long as you continue taking antibiotics for these purposes.

The Collateral Damage

Another flaw of these medications is that they are not programmed to kill specific types of bacteria. Rather, they will go on eliminating most of these microorganisms from your entire body. This onslaught will do away with many useful bacteria you have in many of your organs. Subsequently, you will be more prone to infections and many other diseases. Also, taking into consideration that most of these benign bacteria perform tasks contributing to the well-being of our organism, their disappearance may result in acne getting worse as well, that being the least of your problems.

Our liver and our digestive system help our organism expel all the unnecessary or intruding microorganisms. This is performed by these useful bacteria, among other things. Naturally, once these are eliminated by antibiotics, our organism is unable to counter the negative influence of the bad microorganisms. Therefore, this treatment, applied on a long-term basis, may only lead to total deterioration of our immune system and the worsening of any skin problems we might have.

Bacteria are not the only cause behind acne. Thus, a more holistic approaches need to be chosen. These will deal with the entire problem, not only with the symptoms or some of the manifestations. These will also present permanent solutions to all those suffering from acne.

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