Basically, antibiotics are drugs which are used in order to help people get rid of their existing bacterial infections. However, today, there are some super-developed types of bacteria which are resistant to antibiotic treatment.
Definition of Antibiotics
These drugs were first discovered by Alexander Flemming in 1927. Antibiotics are nothing more than natural compounds which are produced by fungi or other microorganisms, capable of destroying bacteria which cause diseases. Today, antibiotics are created synthetically as well, or can even be mixtures of natural and synthetic elements. Regardless, most people refer to both antimicrobial agents and other synthetic drugs as antibiotics.
The Resistant Bacteria
If an antibiotic treatment fails to destroy specific bacteria, it usually evolves and changes, becoming more and more resistant to the treatment of drugs, chemicals and other such agents which were effective beforehand. Sometimes, antibiotics kill off the good bacteria, allowing microbes to multiply and grow unobstructed, developing into antibiotic resistant bacteria. Therefore, what kills these organisms can make them much stronger as well. This being said, antibiotic treatment needs to be well planed and closely monitored.
The world today is very afraid of antibiotic resistant bacteria, due to the fact that more and more bacteria are becoming impossible to kill. Thus, people fear that these kinds of bacteria may spread onto their families or friends, giving rise to serious diseases.
Staying Safe from Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria
First of all, you need to use antibiotics only when you know that they will cure the specific health problem you are suffering from. It is best to have antibiotics prescribed by a health expert. When you start taking antibiotics, be careful about the dosage and do not skip taking the drug. Never end a therapy before you are completely healthy again.
Secondly, not that antibiotics are useless against viral infections. Therefore, these will not treat flu, cold or other such conditions. Rather, they will likely kill positive, good bacteria in your organism. Also, do not take antibiotics from someone else, since these might not be suitable for your purposes and may make matters worse.
Many people make the above mentioned mistakes, taking antibiotics when they do not need them or taking the wrong type of these medications, causing nothing but harm to their organism. Alternatively, quitting the therapy before the infection is gone may lead to a re-infection and there is a high chance that the bacteria will be more resistant every time they come back.
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