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Acne Vulgaris is a common skin condition and it typically features with scaly red skin, comedones, papules, pustules and nodules. Once the skin changes resolve there is a chance of skin scarring. What type of skin changes is going to affect the skin basically determines the severity of the condition.

In severe form of the disease a person suffers from intensive inflammation of the affected skin, deep cysts and extensive damage to the skin accompanied by noticeable scarring. This form of acne requires aggressive treatment and if one treatment modality fails (which occasionally occurs) the doctor recommends other approach. People suffering from severe acne are generally treated with drainage and surgical excision, intralesional corticosteroid injections, isotretinoin, oral contraceptives or oral antibiotics.

Drainage and Surgical Excision of Severe Acne

In some patients large cysts simply do not respond to any kind of medicamentous therapy. These lesions are usually treated surgically. Drainage and excision of the skin changes is performed under sterile conditions. Patients are recommended not to squeeze or pick the cyst since this can only make the situation worse.

Intralesional Corticosteroid Injections for Severe Acne

This adult acne treatment includes direct injection of medications which will reduce the inflammation. It is indicated in severe form of inflamed acne and once the drug has been injected it causes noticeable reduction in inflammation and promotes healing. Injected corticosteroid 'melts' the cyst. The cyst is significantly reduced within the period of 3 to 5 days. Isotretinoin for Severe Acne

Isotretinoin is prescribed in patients suffering from severe cystic acne and in case the disease is resistant to other medications. This is a synthetic form of vitamin A. The treatment with isotretinoin lasts approximately 16 to 20 weeks. During this period patients are thoroughly monitored since isotretinoin has numerous side effects. Even though there is a chance that patients will experience at least one of many side effects this drug is considered highly effective if not the most effective way of reduction of excess oil production and clogging of the skin pores. It successfully reduces skin inflammation.

Oral Contraceptives for Severe Acne

This treatment modality is usually prescribed in women. Oral contraceptives control overactive sebaceous glands and they are commonly prescribed as long-term acne therapy. The doctor chooses the best possible candidates for this treatment modality and does not prescribe oral contraceptives in women who carry certain risks.

Oral Antibiotics for Severe Acne

Oral antibiotics have been prescribed from many years to patients suffering from severe acne. These drugs reduce P. acne population and consequently decrease skin inflammation. Initially antibiotics are given in high doses and in case P. acne bacteria develop a resistance to a certain antibiotic the patients are prescribed suitable substitution.

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