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Pregnancy is often considered as one of the most beautiful experiences in the life of every woman. It is the time when the pregnant woman feels much joy because she is carrying a new life inside of her belly. Furthermore, she is trying to stay healthy and to take care of the baby when the baby is still in her. However, during this period she must cope with many discomforts because of the many changes that occur in her body. The most common problems that the pregnant women must deal with are morning sickness and nausea as well as frequent urination. Moreover, cramping in the early pregnancy is also one of the most typical symptoms. Nevertheless, when cramps are severe and when they are accompanied by bleeding, it is a very serious condition since it may indicate a miscarriage.

Cramping during pregnancy

When the cramps occur in the early pregnancy, they are not serious for the health of the baby. These cramps typically resemble the cramps that a woman may experience during menstruation. Every pregnant woman should know that these cramps are quite normal and that they do not indicate miscarriage. The cramping that occurs in late pregnancy is the sign of labor.

Causes of cramping during pregnancy

Cramping may occur when the fertilized egg implants itself in the uterus. When the dull ache in the lower abdomen occurs some 8 to 10 days after the ovulation, it is usually a sign of the pregnancy. This implantation is usually accompanied by implantation bleeding, but in the majority of cases, the women even do not notice this implantation cramping. Another cause of the cramping that occurs during pregnancy is growing of the fetus, which subsequently leads to the expansion of the uterus. When having sex, the cramping usually occurs before and after an orgasm. Furthermore, every woman usually tends to tense herself during sexual intercourse because she is afraid of hurting the baby. It also may induce cramps.

The pregnant woman may also experience leg crams besides abdominal cramps. Leg cramps occur because of calcium and magnesium deficiency. Abdominal cramping in pregnant women may also be caused by constipation and gas. Contractions or irregular tightening of uterine muscles that occur during the second or third trimester are called Braxton-Hicks contractions. These contractions, which usually last about 30 seconds to 2 minutes, are not serious. Cramping also occurs as a result of premature labor, which happens before 37th week of pregnancy.

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