One of the most exciting and beautiful experiencesin the life of almost every woman is pregnancy. This period is usually joyousand full of enthusiastic thoughts about the future life with a baby. Almost everywoman is really happy when she thinks about the new life that grows inside ofher. However, during this period, the women undergo physical, as well aspsychological changes. The hormonal changes usually cause many discomforts inpregnancy, such as morning sickness, vomiting, mood swings and many others.
Tachycardia in pregnancy
One of the disorders that can occur in pregnancy istachycardia. It is not uncommon condition in pregnant women. There are cases when it is normal, but on the other side, sometimes it requires immediatemedical attention. The ideal heart rate in a healthy person is 80 heartbeats per minute. Tachycardia is a condition when heart rate is higher thannormal. When the heartbeats are above 100 beats per minute in pregnant woman,it is considered to be tachycardia in pregnancy. There are two types of tachycardia: sinustachycardia and non-sinus tachycardia.
Sinus tachycardia is derived by the sinus node, whichis the natural pacemaker of the heart. Sinus tachycardia can be appropriate andinappropriate.Non-sinus tachycardia can be divided into two types:supraventricular tachycardia and ventricular tachycardia. While supraventriculartachycardia originates from the upper chambers of the heart, which are called atria,ventricular tachycardia comes from ventricles or lower chambers of the heart.When gestational supra-ventricular tachycardiaoccurs, it is not harmful for mother and her baby.
Symptoms of tachycardia in pregnancy
Fast heart rate in pregnancy is usually accompaniedby several other symptoms, such as heart palpitations, shortness of breathand pain in the chest. Sometimes, the pregnant women may also experience dizziness,exhaustion and fainting, as well as numbness of various parts of the body. In the majority of cases, sinus tachycardia occursin pregnant women, especially in anemic pregnant women. Sometimes, it can causeintolerance and anxiety.
Causes of tachycardia in pregnancy
Tachycardia in pregnant woman may occur due tonumerous reasons. The most common medical conditions that can be responsible forthe occurrence of tachycardia in pregnancy are anemia, asthma, lung infections,ectopic pregnancy, thyroid gland problems and pulmonary embolism. Furthermore,tachycardia may appear due to the consummation of certain drugs, anxiety, stress,dehydration and fever, as well as sepsis, heart disease, obstetric hemorrhage. Other potential causes of tachycardia in pregnancyinclude acute blood loss, placental abruption and uterine rupture.
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