Pregnancy is one of the most interesting experiences in the life of a woman. During this period that lasts nine months, a pregnant woman experiences many physical and psychological changes. It is well known that a pregnant woman tends to change the moods frequently, which happens due to the change in the levels of the hormones, which also cause many other discomforts. During a pregnancy, the woman may experience abdominal cramping, which is very similar to the menstrual cramping. This condition is usually normal and does not require a special treatment or medical attention. However, when abdominal cramping occurs together with certain other symptoms, it is very important to visit a doctor.
Cramping during early pregnancy
The early pregnancy is considered to be the first four months of a pregnancy. During this period, several reasons may be responsible for the occurrence of the menstrual cramps. One of the causes for the appearance of the menstrual cramping during early pregnancy is the stretching of the uterus. This is a healthy symptom, since the uterus expands in order to make enough space for the baby. The menstrual cramping may also occur due to the implantation process. One week after the ovulation, the embryo implants itself in the wall of the uterus. The pain of the implantation usually occurs about 10 days after the implantation.
When the menstrual cramping is accompanied by pain in one side of the body, as well as by bleeding and spotting, it usually indicates the ectopic pregnancy. In ectopic pregnancy, the embryo does not implant itself in the wall of the uterus but somewhere else. It is very serious condition and should be treated immediately. When a severe stabbing pain occurs in the lower abdomen and is preceded by bleeding, it can be due to the rupture of the fallopian tube. Other causes of menstrual cramps during early pregnancy are constipation and gas, as well as a miscarriage.
Cramping during late pregnancy
The causes of the occurrence of the pain in the abdomen in late pregnancy are Braxton Hicks contractions. These contractions are sporadic and irregular and they occur due to the stretching of the uterus, which prepares itself for the labor. This cramping is usually called false labor. Menstrual cramping during late pregnancy may also be an indicator of a premature labor. It is usually accompanied by back pain, tiredness and diarrhea. Round ligament pain may also occur in the late pregnancy due to the expanding of the ligaments and muscles of the uterus.
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