The History of Hypnosis
Today, after all the years hypnosis asa psychological science has behind it, people still consider thisdiscipline an obscure one. This may be due to the negativeconnotation labeled by the media, since many hypnotists in differentmovies were villains and hypnosis itself was often presented assomething brainwashing and negative.
However, this science and this uniqueapproach for treating human problems has its roots in the ancientEgypt, where royal families used hypnosis to fight off stress andillnesses. Ancient Hindi have also usedhypnosis in practice and have discovered many different things aboutthis phenomenon, all written in a book called “The Law of Manu”.
However, modern theory and practice ofhypnosis, as well as the name itself, first started being mentionedin the 18th century by Dr. Franz Anton Mesmer inAustralia. Later on James Braid, a Scottish surgeon coined the nameand realized that people, once subjected to staring at a still or amoving object for a longer time, enter a peculiar state of being,being somewhere between their consciousness and subconsciousness.After being examined and analyzed many times, hypnosis managed toundergo the long road to the present day.
Now, it is used as an alternativemedicine for treating various different disorders. Countless peoplehave managed to get treated through hypnosis and billions are yet tofind out the true power and potential of this discipline.
Modern Hypnotherapy
Today, hypnosis is a very lucrativebranch of medicine, where practitioners can earn quite a bit, if theytruly master this art of changing and examining one'ssubconsciousness. Mostly, hypnosis is used for smoking cessation,weight loss, treating phobias or changing negative habits. Also, itcan be used for treating the effects of traumatic experiences in thepast, doing away with depression and antisocial behavior disorders.
One of the most popular methods ofhypnosis is conversational hypnosis. Here, the hypnotist usesspecific body language, words, movements and facial expressions inorder to reach the patient, making him/her being more open and sayingall the things which are bothering him/her, making it possible forthe hypnotist to treat this person correctly, removing the causes ofproblems in his/her life.
Learning hypnosis is a long andtroublesome process. However, once you become a good hypnotist, youwill be able to help many people solve their numerous problems, eventhough all other aspects of medicine have proven useless in theircase.
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