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Diabetes is a chronic disorder that occurs in cases when the human body starts to be resistant to hormones called insulin, or your body is not producing enough of insulin in your pancreas, and as a result, blood sugar level gets high. There are several types of diabetes, type 1 and 2, for instance. In type 2, treatments are usually medications or insulin shots.

Diabetes is also called “silent killer”, because of non presence of noticeable symptoms, you can have this disorder for years not knowing about it. So, in a lot of cases, once diabetes is diagnosed, it can be in its advanced stage. In these cases it requires immediate treatment.If left untreated, it may have serious consequences (seizures or even coma).

There are also a lot of possible diabetes complications. Some of them may be long term, and develop gradually, and it may increase risk of various cardiovascular disorders, blood and heart vessel problems, stroke, heart attack, kidney damage, foot damage, Alzheimer’s and osteoporosis.

There is currently no cure for type 2 diabetes, but if left untreated it can be very dangerous, even deadly. So, once diagnosed, you must completely change your whole way of life, meaning your daily diet, introduce some regular daily exercises, and of course keeping a daily track of blood sugar levels, and regularly taking your prescribed medications.

Your blood sugar level depends on the way you live, exercise and eat, taking medication for other diseases, smoking, and drinking or are you in any kind of elevated stress. Also, when in pregnancy, keeping a close watch of diabetes is very important, because in this state, therapy or medications must be applied.

If you have type 2 diabetes, you should do for the rest of your life, the following;

monitor your blood sugar daily or few times a week depending on doctor’s advice lose excessive weight by doing exercises and diet exercise regularly (aerobics or walking, at least 30 min. a day) changing or/and adapt your diet (eat more fruits vegetables, whole grain products; avoid alcohol and smoking and less sweets and animal products, etc.

When adapting your diet, you must also know that there are two types of fat; saturated and trans fat. After you find out which types of food have what kind of fat, you should choose saturated fat, and avoid trans fat completely. Best way to do that is:

eat sugar free fruits reduce amount of margarine and butter prefer canola and olive oil use low fat yogurt also eat seeds and nuts

Level of cholesterol in your blood is also very important. To avoid a rise in cholesterol level in your blood, you should try the following:

eat lean cut of meat instead organ meat instead of eggs, use egg substitutes use skim milk and not whole milk

Also the amount of carbohydrates is that you take daily is very important. You should try to take the same amount each day, in order to prevent fluctuation in your blood sugar levels. Your dietitian expert will help you to learn how to count daily values of carbohydrates intake. Recommended group of food includes:

whole grains fruits beans, lentils and peas vegetables diary low fat products

Fish is also very healthy for your diet. You should have fish at least two times per week.

You should try to keep variety in your diet and try to change it with appropriate food groups as much as you can.

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