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Diabetes is a chronic pancreas disorder that occurs in cases when human body is becoming resistant to hormone called insulin, or your pancreas is not producing enough insulin, and as a result, blood sugar level gets high. There are several types of diabetes, type 1 and 2, for instance, and usual treatments are appropriate medications or insulin shots.

Diabetes has no presence of noticeable symptoms; you can have it for years, and yet not know about it. So, in lot of cases, when diabetes is diagnosed, it can already be in advanced stage. In these cases it requires immediate treatment, because if left untreated, it may lead to serious consequences (seizures or even comma).

There are also a lot of possible body parts that can be affected by diabetes complications. Some of them may be long term, and develop slowly, and it may be: stroke, Alzheimer’s, osteoporosis, increased risk of various cardiovascular disorders, gum, kidney, eye problems, etc. Here are some of these possible complications explained in more details;

Foot problems

Because diabetes diminishes blood flow to some parts of your body, you can develop foot problems after years of having diabetes. In order to prevent this, you must keep good care of your feet, wear only comfortable shoes and maintain good hygiene of your feet. If you notice any sign of problems on your feet, you must contact your doctorimmediately.

Gum disease

Also called periodontal disease, people with diabetes are more prone to have this kind of problems; because of their disorder they have higher blood sugar, less saliva and more plaque, all of this as consequences of diabetes. Maintain regularly your oral hygiene, and keeping track of your blood sugar level should help you to prevent these possible complications of diabetes.

Blood vessels and heartdiseases

Higher risk of having this kind of complications when you have diabetes is an established fact. These problems are called cardiovascular diseases, and some of them are stroke, heart attack, blockage of veins on your feet and legs, etc. in order to prevent these diabetes complications to occur, you should keep your blood sugar in control, watch your weight, and introduce a healthy diet.

Kidney disease

In order to avoid such diseases, you should watch your blood sugar, quit smoking, watch your high blood pressure, and eat fewer proteins.

Eye problems

Long lasting diabetes, especially if not treated properly, can lead to retinopathy (abnormal changes in the retina or the back of the eye), or cataract (clouding or thickening of the eye lens). You should take usual precautions, not to develop this kind of problems.

Your level of blood sugar depends of the way you eat, exercise, take medication regularly, smoke, and drink, or are you in any kind of elevated stress. So you must change your way of life, including introducing appropriate diet, exercise regularly, quit smoking and drinking, and controls your blood sugar level daily, or weekly.

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