Cod liver isknown to be good for the health for hundreds of years. It was used in oldScotland, Norway and Iceland at first, but many doctors recommend the samething for their patients suffering from various diseases and medical problems. Codliver is beneficial for the amount of vitamin D and omega 3 essential fattyacids it contains. Only problem for the 21st century patients wasbad breath and aftertaste it had left, so people start using pills, flavored chewablepills and capsules containing cod liver, as beneficial as the liver itself butwithout unwanted effects.
Benefits andUse of Cod Liver Tablets
Many clinicalstudies have proven the worth of cod liver ingredients. Omega 3 fatty acids arerecognized as beneficial for decreasing the risk of heart attacks, arrhythmiaand stroke, and some even claim that eating plenty of these essential fattyacids can prevent fatal consequences of a sudden arrhythmia. The same fattyacids can significantly lower the “bad” (LDL) cholesterol and raise the amountof “good” cholesterol in the blood. By doing so, omega 3 fatty acids are preventingblood clots and injuries of the arterial walls, maintaining theheart and blood vessels in the body healthy.
Additionally,omega 3 fatty acids can positively affect heightened blood pressure, andprevent hypertension in heart-surgery patients. People using plenty of omega 3fatty acids in their diet are found out to need lower amount of pain killermedications than other groups of patients. This effect is the result ofanti-inflammatory and analgesic properties of omega 3 essential acids, andbecause of them, patients suffering from joint problems can expect to berelieved from pain while using them. Proper amounts of omega 3 fatty acids useddaily can increase life expectancy for immune disorders and diabetes patients. Sufferersfrom Crohn’s disease or diarrhea could also benefit using the same supplements.
Combined withiron and selenium, cod liver supplements are used to treat various skinproblems or ear infections in children.
Dosage andSide Effects
Like anyother supplement cod liver tablets should not be used excessively, because theycan cause damage to your body. Doctors recommend using about 15g of thesesupplements per day in 5 doses. However, consult your doctor for a consultation andadvice about the dose of cod liver supplemental tablet suitable for you. Overdosed codliver supplement may lead to some unwanted effects, such as: nausea, diarrhea,skin problems, loss of appetite or even be more serious and damage your liver.
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