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Insomnia and the Mind

Sleeping problems are troubling quite alarge amount of people daily. Many of us are unable to fall asleepfor one reason or the other. Moreover, there are many who cannot fallasleep because their brain refuses to relax and continues thinkingabout troublesome things and possible solutions for life problems,keeping us concentrated and absolutely incapable of relaxing enoughfor a good night's sleep.

Even though pills or counting sheepmight help in these cases, we need to know something. Namely, we arenot just machines made of organs, having blood flowing mechanicallythrough us. Rather, we have more to our existence. Basically, manypeople neglect the fact that we are created of materials like water,carbon and nitrogen. All these create a field of electric energywhich flows through our body. Sometimes, all we need for a good sleepis to learn how to better this flow. Read on for instructions.

Balance Your Energy – Sleep Better

The first process which may help you islying on your back, with your arms next to your body, not touchingit, palms inverse so that they are facing the ceiling. Then, move allof your energy into the soles of your feet. From there, advancethrough the rest of your body gradually and make a sweep of energywhich will relax you. Focus on each bone in the process and move theenergy up and down through your body.

Then, move the energy to some of yourglands and organs. Namely, you are to bring the energy to the top ofyour brain and then below. Once you have done this, move it to thepituary gland between your eyes, in the middle of the forehead. Aftera while move the energy down to the base of your skull behind yourneck.

Finally, deal with the adrenalineglands on the top of your kidneys, proceeding to the liver afterwardsand then testes before it all goes down to the legs.

Also, you might learn about chakras,which are energy whirlpools, tiny spots above the surface of ourbody, which regulate the energy flow and accumulate quite some forceregarded to controlling our overall well-being. Once you get moreacquainted with these, you can stimulate them correctly during yoursleep routine mentioned above. These methods have helped many fightoff their insomnia. Give them a try and you might be pleasantlysurprised.

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