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You love to wake up with the smell of coffee? Mmmm I know I love to start my morning with a cup of coffee with milk. But if you are trying to conceive, you should cut on coffee if not even eliminate it completely. The studies namely prove that there is a link between caffeine consumption and female ability to conceive. For example, a study had 2 groups: one group was drinking 300mg of caffeine per day and control group didn't drink coffee nor consumed any coffee substitutes.

The numbers showed that the group that was drinking caffeine had almost 30% lower chance of conceiving comparing to the group that didn't drink caffeine at all. Some studies suggested that as much as one cup in the morning could reduce the ability to conceive for as much as 50%, other researches show that drinking as little as 200mg of caffeine increases the risk of miscarriage, while some studies showed absolutely no correlation between caffeine and fertility.

To be on the safe side, if you are trying to conceive or if you are already pregnant, I would absolutely suggest cutting back on caffeine I agree: it is not easy, but it is possible. Foods and beverages that contain caffeine are the following: coffee, teas, herbal products, energy drinks, chocolate, and some over-the-counter drugs, including those that prevent headache, cold, and allergy remedies. Following are few tips that can help you cut back on caffeine.

For a start, it is possible you will face withdrawal symptoms such as fatigue and headache. To start with it would be smart to switch to a half decaf or half caffeinated drinks. Another solution would be reducing caffeine in homemade beverages by brewing them weaker for a shorter time or steeping tea bag for one minute instead five, which reduces caffeine by as much as half.

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