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Fever blisters are usually sores not that big in size that show up in the area around the mouth or inside the mouth and nostrils. Outside the mouth, it is usually the chin, lips and cheeks that these sores develop. A certain virus called herpes simplex is what causes them to occur. According to some studies, in the United States only, between 45 and 80% of all people living there are affected by this virus. By simple calculation, that means that over 100 million fever blister outbreaks happen in a single year. However, there are a couple of cures for these blisters and caffeine is one of them. Caffeine will not only reduce the pain and discomfort these blisters cause but make the healing quicker. Caffeine can be found in more than 60 plants. Coffee, tea, cola and cocoa are known to have a fair amount of caffeine in them. There is also synthetic caffeine but that is added to energy and non-cola soft drinks only. People do not prefer to intake pure caffeine since it is bitter.



There was a study conducted in the 1998 where is was found out that 10% caffeine gel inhibited tingling and burning pain created by these blisters. However, the researchers found out that the use of caffeine on fever blisters was only successful when it was started as soon as the blisters showed up. A period of two days after the showing up of the blisters and the caffeine did not help. The reason why caffeine is effective with the blisters is because of the inhibitory effects of caffeine on the growth of the virus that creates the blisters. Sources
The amount of caffeine in different products depends on various factors. For instance, coffee contains a lot more caffeine that tea and tea has more caffeine than soft drinks. A cup of coffee can have up to 200 mg of caffeine in it while black tea has no more than 120 mg. Safety
When a person intakes hot beverages, that slows down the healing process of the cold sores. Apart from that, a person who intakes too much caffeine may suffer from insomnia, heightened heart rate, nausea, vomiting, anxiety and tremors. In addition to this, a person who is suffering from peptic ulcer disease as well as pregnant or nursing women should check with the doctor how much caffeine intake is safe for them. There is also a possible threat of addiction.



Even though caffeine helps with mild cases of blisters a person who is suffering from a severe case should go to the hospital.


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