Burdock Root
This text will focus on the root named burdock, which originates from Asia and Europe. It has wide use among which is its use in the herbal medicine. We will see which other uses of this herb there are. It comes from the biennial thistles group, which belongs to the genus Arctium. It reaches the height of 28 inches and has dark and green large leaves. They are ovate and coarse in shape, but the lower leaves look like a heart. The period from July to October is the time when it flowers.
Uses of Burdock Root
This herb has been used even in ancient times. Many medical problems like hair loss, diabetes, and arthritis, can be treated with this herb. People of today call this herb a wonder plant, due to the amazing effects it creates on the human body. One of the initial uses of this herb was toxin removal from the body. It was used for blood purifying and also as a diuretic. It can clean kidneys and remove the water excess by causing the increased urine output. The burdock root can get rid of the poisons that can be found in the system. Acne is also one of the problems that can be treated with this herb. Urinary tract infection, ringworm and other fungal and bacterial infections can be treated with the use of burdock root as well. This is due to the polyacetyelenes that can destroy some fungi and bacteria. The polyacetyelenes are chemicals this plant contains. Ulcers can be healed much faster along with wounds due to its antibacterial abilities. It can treat stomach problems, stimulate the digestive system, treat gastrointestinal conditions and help the liver to function properly. The liver damage can be prevented or minimized with the help of this herb, but the bile secretion will also be improved. Skin problems, like psoriasis and eczema, can be treated successfully with this herb, which is why many creams that are intended for the treatment of such skin condition have it in their content. Hair and scalp treatment can be conducted with burdock root and it will also promote quality hair, decrease the hair loss and reduce dandruff.
This root is very popular in the kitchen as well. It has a lot of amino acids, fiber, potassium, calcium, and if harvested during the first two years, it also has vitamin B complex and vitamin E. It contains magnesium, thiamine, zinc, iron, chromium, cobalt, phosphorus and insulin, which can affect diabetes and reduce the effect of this disease. This is a low calorie food that can be used for the colon cleansing as well. Consult your doctor before you decide to use this herb, which has so many usages.
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