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The hard palate is the location where the bump or a bulge can be experienced. We will see what causes this problem and what can be done when the problem occurs. The palate is the location from where the bumps on the mouth roof can protrude into the oral cavity. Maxillary bone is tightly connected with the hard palate mucosa and this causes a very painful swelling. Also, this problem may be caused by an anatomical feature but in such cases, this problem is nothing to be alarmed about.


One of the possible causes is the torus palatinus. The name torus stands for bull in the Latin, but this problem is associated with big and bulbous bumps consisting of bone. They are non-resilient palate tissues and they are very firm, strong and pink in color. Almost nothing can move these bumps since they are so solid and unrelenting. This problem is nothing to be alarmed about since they fall in the category of anatomy problems. Although they grow over time and become larger, in some cases, they produce great discomfort once they become big enough to interfere with the oral appliances attachments, which they deny. Maxillary Sinus Growths is one more cause. The protruding swelling of the upper jaw bone, or the maxilla growth, can reach out from the mouth roof and be detected as a bump. Smell detection problems, headaches, nose sores and other problems are associated with the problem that can cause bumps, like maxillary sinus cancer. One type of cancer, called adenocarcinoma, is associated with the minor salivary glands found on the palate. Reverse smoking and smoking can lead to this problem. Tooth abscess is associated with the reaching of the root canal by the upper jaw due to the carries present. This can cause periapical tooth abscess, which can be created on the tip of the upper tooth roots. The bumps will be created due to this, and they are in fact swollen slopes of the mouth roof. Also, multiple calculus, plaques and other dental problems can be caused due to bad oral hygiene, which can lead to the gum swelling that can be detected as bumps. Minor salivary glands or palatal mucus can experience infection and this may lead to the swelling on the roof of the mouth.


The treatment depends on the cause. Troubling torus should be removed, while those that do not create any problems should not be removed. Salivary gland or palate infection requires the treatment of the sores and this will reduce the bump and the swelling. The dentist will give antibiotics if the tooth abscess is the cause of the problem.

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