Information on Painful Gums
In this condition a person usually experiences swelling and pain in the gums and sometimes the gums may even become discolored. Soreness and a loss of pigment can be caused by numerous different factors and medical conditions. Painful sensations are very unpleasant and they tend to affect a person’s possibility to lead a normal life on a daily basis.
Periodontium diseases are usually the cause of painful sensations in the gums. Periodontium includes all the tissues that support the teeth, and that includes gums as well. It is very important to determine the cause of pain precisely in order to treat the condition in a proper manner.
Causes of Painful Gums
One of the most common causes of painful gums is the medical condition known as acute periapical periodontitis. It involves an inflammatory condition which affects all the structures that support the teeth. Pain can be rather severe and it may last for hours at times. The teeth become very aggravated by biting.
This condition can also be an indication of a dead tooth. Another medical condition that causes the gums to become painful is the lateral periodontal abscess. In this condition pus gets collected and is surrounded by inflamed tissue. The gums become red and swollen gingivally. The pain is less severe than in the previous aforementioned medical condition. The next medical condition which is known of being associated with painful gums is called pericoronitis.
It involves inflammatory conditions which affect the flaps that cover the teeth which have not erupted completely. Closing the mouth usually aggravates the pain and is commonly accompanied by swelling and fever. In some rare cases, ulcers can get developed on the swollen operculum. Another medical condition that sometimes can be held responsible for the painful sensations in the gums is called acute necrotizing gingivitis.
This condition involves pain, soreness and tightness around the teeth. Other symptoms may or may not include bad breath, body discomfort, bleeding gums, fever and a metallic taste in the mouth.
Another cause of painful gums may be food impaction in which the pain develops between two adjacent teeth and in some cases it can be triggered by the pressure. This condition may also involve bad breath and an occurrence of xerostomia. Dry mouth is one of the most common salivary problems and it can be caused by numerous different factors.
It may cause difficulty swallowing, candidiasis, dry mucosa, decayed teeth, mouth soreness and bad breath. Different types of ulcers can also be associated with painful sensations in the gums.
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