Several things might make you feel better, almost immediately. Look at our suggestions, choose the one that suits you best and banish those bad thoughts or PMS, or even anxiety and depression you have been feeling.
Some people might actually need therapy to fight their depression or anxiety. If that’s your case, consult your doctor to find some natural treatments that will work for you. Always inform your doctor if and when you decide to go with some natural remedies, whether you want to use them on their own or combine them with prescribed medications. Your doctor will be able to suggest the treatment that suits your needs.
Natural Mood Boosters
Physical activity is proven to be efficient in improving the mood. While you exercise, your body releases several natural substances, such as serotonin, dopamine and endorphins, making your brain (and you consequently) feel much better and healthier.
Socialize and talk to people. Don’t isolate yourself, even if you’re not feeling great. People close to you, your friends and family may be actually of great help when you are down. It’s also good to express your feelings, whatever they are. When you can’t force yourself to say or cry it out loud, try writing them down, it might be helpful.
Laugh often. Find something or someone that makes you smile. It can be a pet, a comedy movie or anything else you find funny, because smiling can help you fight against stress hormones.
Sleep is very important for people that don’t feel all right. The amount of sleep might be individual, but for most people somewhere between 6 and 8 hours of sleep is sufficient. But remember that only quality sleep counts. So, go to bed early, dim the lights and eat some nuts or take tryptophan supplements before bedtime and ensure a proper good night sleep.
When awake remember that the sunshine can also wake you up fully, by stopping the sleep hormone and stimulating serotonin, needed for the daily functions. Sunlight is also found to be a successful source against seasonal affective disorder and depression.
Supplements That Can Make You Feel Better
Omega 3, 6 and 9 essential fatty acids, vitamin B and magnesium supplements have been scientifically confirmed as effective moodboosters.
Fish oil, found in mackerel, tuna, salmon, sardines, herring, black cod and many other fish is proven to be able to improve your mood. These fish, as well as some fish oil supplement contain omega essential acids, which are the active ingredients against bad mood.
Vitamin B rich food or supplements are said to fight everyday stress, tiredness and moodiness.
Magnesium is a necessity for our brain, and because of that magnesium supplements are especially valuable in people wanting to improve the way they feel.
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