A blood clot is, basically, a blockage in blood vessels caused by a semi-hard or hard lump. Having a blood clot can lead to pain and extreme discomfort, as well as inability to sleep due to the disturbance. Sometimes, the clot can block the blood flow completely, making matters worse. Also, there are cases when the clot moves to the other areas of the body and poses even a bigger threat.
Signs of Blood Clot in the Foot
Once the veins and arteries are blocked in our foot area, we are likely to feel it through significant decrease of mobility regarding this body part. Also, we are bound to feel pain once the blood circulation in our food area gets decreased or blocked. The pain can be acute, manifesting through pins and needles sensation accompanied by severe burning in some cases.
Additionally, if we suffer from blood clots in the foot area, the surrounding tissues may swell, increasing the pain, being a sign of an inflammation. Poor circulation may lead to coldness and numbness, decreasing sensations in the area.
Again, due to the blockage of free blood flow, the foot may undergo discoloration, turning pale or blue. Alternatively, this can only affect one's toes, other parts of the food staying unaffected. However, if the skin in the area is red, this can be a sigh of blood clots as well.
Possible Treatment of Blood Clot in the Foot
Since ignoring this problem can only make it become even worse and more life-threatening, you need to react timely, once you notice any of the above mentioned symptoms.
The treatment may require you to take blood thinners, medications which reduce the risk for blood clots. This prevents the existing clot from getting larger. In time, due to the effect of these medications, the existing clot is likely to get dissolved completely. These medications can be administered intravenously or can be taken as pills. Aspirin, heparin and warfarin are the most commonly used blood thinners.
Also, you might consider changing your lifestyle to a healthier one, since this can be all you need in order to get rid of your blood clot in the foot and prevent others from bothering you in the future. What you need is food rich in salicylates and omega3 fatty acids. Dried fruit and nuts, fish oil, ginger, turmeric, peppermint and many other natural sources contain these elements. Thus, include them in your diet and get rid of the blood clot in your foot.
Finally, keep your blood flowing well by exercising regularly for about 45 minutes, at least three times a week. Jogging, cycling or running will all be more than sufficient for this purpose.
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