Circulatory system
Circulatory or cardiovascular system is one of themost important systems in the human body. It consists of the heart, the blood vesselsand the blood. The heart is the vital organ that has the function to pump thefresh oxygenated blood rich in nutrients through the blood vessels to the differentparts in the body. The blood vessels form a vast network throughout thebody. They are comprised of arteries, arterioles, veins and capillaries. It is very important to maintain the circulatorysystem healthy, since there are many disorders or diseases that can affectit.
Blocked arteries
Atherosclerosis is the medical term for the blockedarteries. It is also well known under the names coronary artery heart disease andcoronary artery disease, abbreviated CAD. This disease occurs when the fatmaterials, as well as cholesterol, accumulate on the walls of the arteries causingthe narrowing or blocking of them. Thus, the blood flow is impaired and theheart does not receive enough amounts of the necessary blood. The medical termfor the impairment of the blood flow through the blood vessels is ischemia.
Symptoms of blocked arteries
The plaque that builds up on the walls of the arteriesusually accumulates itself over a long period of time. The most common symptoms of coronary artery disease areangina pectoris (which is a sharp pain that occurs in the chest), shortness ofbreath, a feeling of pressure or discomfort in the chest and a feeling ofchoking. Furthermore, the people who suffer from the blockedarteries may experience a heart attack when one part of the heart fails. Other symptomsof atherosclerosis include excessive sweating, nausea and vomiting, as well ascold and pale skin.
The coronary artery sclerosis is a very serioushealth condition. It should be treated immediately when discovered. Otherwise,it can lead to the death, which is why it is extremely important to pay attentionto the most common causes of this condition, such as hypertension, highcholesterol levels, diabetes, stress and obesity.
Treatment for blocked arteries
First of all, the people with atherosclerosis shouldavoid smoking; they should eat healthy foods and exercise regularly. The doctors usually prescribe certain medications totreat this disorder, such as beta-blockers, calcium-channel blockers andnitrates, as well as thrombolytic medicines, ACE inhibitors, angiotensin-2,vasodilators and statins. In severe cases, a surgery is necessary to treatcoronary artery disease. The two most common surgical procedures when the blockedarteries are in the question are coronary artery bypass and angioplasty orpercutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty.
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