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The heart is our vital organ without which we cannotlive. It is a part of the circulatory or cardiovascular system. The mainfunction of the heart is to pump the blood rich in oxygen and nutrients throughthe blood vessels to the cells and tissues in different parts of the body. Therefore,it is essential to maintain the heart healthy because it is necessary for oursurvival.

The heart is made of four chambers. There are twoupper chambers, which are called atria, and two lower chambers, which arecalled ventricles. Therefore, the heart is comprised of left atrium, rightatrium, left ventricle and right ventricle. Between these chambers are heartvalves.

Heart attack

Unfortunately, the heart can be affected by many disordersand diseases. One of these heart diseases is heart attack. Myocardial infarction is the medical term for theheart attack. This heart condition happens when the heart muscle is damaged orwhen it dies because it does not get sufficient amount of oxygen. Oxygen is carriedfrom the lungs to the heart through the blood vessels called coronary arteries.When these arteries are blocked, the blood flow is impaired and the heart doesnot receive the fresh oxygenated blood. Thus heart attack occurs. In the majority of cases, the blocked arteries arecaused by the accumulation of fatty materials and cholesterol on the walls of thearteries. Thus, the arteries are either significantly narrowed or completelyblocked. This condition of blocked arteries is medically calledatherosclerosis. The heart attack may also be caused by bloodclotting in the coronary arteries.

Warning signs of heart attack

The most common sign of this heart disease is pain that feels like bad heartburn. In those people who experience a heart attack, a pressure or crushing pain in the chest may appear, and it is usuallyaccompanied by dizziness, sweating, nausea and vomiting. The pain of a heart attack may start in the chestand spread to the jaw, and then to the left shoulder and left arm. Other warning signs of heart attack are tightness inthe chest accompanied by shortness of breath, weakness, faintness and lightheadedness. It is very important to go and visit a doctor if anydiscomfort in the chests appears. It may be a sign of a heart attack or anyother heart disease. With a prompt treatment, the further damage of the heartmuscle may be stopped.

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