Bladder infection is an inflammation of the bladder which is typically caused by different bacteria. The infection is usually caused by fecal bacteria that are normally found in intestines. The infection either stays localized onto the bladder or spreads to upper part of the urinary tract affecting the kidneys.
Bladder Infection and Pregnancy
Bladder infection during pregnancy may cause certain complications and this is why it needs to be timely diagnosed and treated properly. This form of infection is one of the most common infections in pregnant women. Pregnancy is a predisposing factor for bladder infection. Namely, once the uterus starts to grow there is always chance it will press the urethra. Total blockage is rare although it may occur. On the other hand, partial blockage occurs more frequently and it leads to insufficient emptying of the bladder. Resident urine represents an excellent basis for infection. This form of infection mostly affects women who have already suffered from urinary infections before.
Symptoms of Bladder Infection during Pregnancy
Bladder infection in pregnant women is accompanied by frequent urination. Frequent urination and passing of small amounts of urine is symptomatic for bladder infection. Furthermore, a woman typically complains about burning sensation which especially intensifies when she is trying to urinate. Another symptom may be abdominal pain. It ranges in intensity. The urine is cloudy and sometimes smelly. In case that infection has spread from the bladder to the kidneys the woman may additionally develop nausea, vomiting, slight fever and chills.
Complications of Bladder Infection during Pregnancy
Bladder infection in pregnancy may be responsible for numerous complications to both, the mother and the baby. The most common complications include low birth weight, premature labor, childhood development delays and pyelonephritis of the mother.
Treatment for Bladder Infection during Pregnancy
The infection is easily confirmed by urinalysis. Bacterial infection is treated with certain antibiotics. Since, there is a great chance that certain antibiotics will cause damage to the fetus the doctors are very careful when they are choosing the most suitable antibiotic for pregnant women. After a course of antibiotics the woman needs to do another urinanalysis which is supposed to confirm or rule out eradication of the bacteria. In case of recurrent bladder infection the woman may be prescribed antibiotics until the baby is delivered. This way premature birth can be prevented. Pregnant women can easily prevent bladder infection if they follow some rules of how to behave or what to eat. For example, a simple healthy diet without refined foods, increased intake of sugar, caffeine and alcohol is crucial for health of the immune system. Increased intake of water will assist in flushing of the bladder. Cranberries are very good for bladder infection and they can be eaten or taken in a form of juice. Additional help can be obtained from vitamin supplements which include vitamin C and Zink. Hygiene of genital area is also very important as it prevents the spread of the fecal bacteria nearby the urethra. Strong chemicals such as soaps or hygiene sprays should be avoided and the woman is supposed to wear cotton panties which are not so tight and change them regularly.
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