Bladder infections in women
Bladder is an organ that is a part of the urinary tract in the human body. When bacteria reach the bladder, they cause inflammation or infection. Bladder infection may affect men as well as women, although it is more frequent in females, which happens because the female urethra is shorter and closer to the anus and vagina. Bacteria reach the bladder through urine and urethra. Urine normally does not contain bacteria, but they may be found in the area around the rectum and vagina and then enter urine. The bacterial infection causes inflammation of the lining of urethra and bladder, but it can also spread to the kidneys.
Risk factors
The risk of developing a bladder infection is higher if one wipes from back to front after a bowel movement. Furthermore, sexual intercourse may be one of the causes for the bladder infection, which is why it is recommended to urinate after having sex. Thus, bacteria that might have entered can be expelled.
It is also considered that contraceptive creams or vaginal spermicides and catheters may increase the chances of the developing of bladder infection. Those people who suffer from diabetes, as well as pregnant women, are also at higher risk for the occurrence of bladder infection. Moreover, women that reached menopause, as well as elderly people in general, are more susceptible to the appearance of this condition. It happens that the bladder infections repeat over a period of time and it is considered that, if a woman has more than two bladder infections a year, she can be diagnosed with the recurring bladder infections.
The bladder infection is not as serious as the kidney infection, which, if it is spread from the bladder, may damage the kidneys permanently. Therefore, it is very important to visit a doctor when the symptoms of the bladder infection appear.
Symptoms of bladder infection in women
The most common symptom of this condition is burning sensation while urinating. Moreover, the women with this infection may have constant urge to urinate. In the majority of cases, the urine is cloudy and has foul smell, although in some cases even blood can appear in the urine. Furthermore, the women may experience pain in the lower abdomen or painful and discomfortable sexual intercourse. Other symptoms of bladder infection include high temperature, fever, nausea and vomiting, as well as the pain in the side. The bladder infection is diagnosed after the examination of the symptoms and after the urine test is done, but it is usually cured with antibiotics.
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