Cystitis is a condition in which the bladder of the patient gets infected. Most commonly all bladder infections are caused by certain types of bacteria. The condition is characterized by a much more frequent need for urination and it is not uncommon to experience burning sensations during the urination. In order to diagnose the condition properly, the doctor usually needs to examine a urine specimen and the condition and its symptoms need to be treated with certain types of medication.
Causes of Cystitis
Cystitis is a condition which is very common during the reproductive years and it may periodically appear in some women. Susceptibility to cystitis in women may or may not be associated with the shortness of the urethra and it sometimes can be affiliated with the fact the urethra is very close to the anus and the vagina and they are both common places for numerous types of bacteria.
The bacteria can also reach the urethra during a sexual intercourse, and from there they can easily reach the bladder. Cystitis can also be common during pregnancy because the emptying of the bladder sometimes gets compromised. The diaphragm can also be the cause of cystitis because spermicide sometimes can allow the harmful bacteria to flourish in the vagina.
If a woman experiences a decreased estrogen production it can lead to thinner tissues around the urethra which can cause reoccurring cystitis. A prolapsed bladder or uterus can also lead to numerous complications. Rare cases of vesicovaginal fistula can also be the cause of cystitis.
Cystitis affects men much less than women. The condition is characterized by an infection which starts in the urethra and gets to the bladder through the prostate. It is commonly caused by a bacterial infection which needs to be treated with antibiotics and sometimes the therapy may last up to a few weeks because it is very hard to kill the bacteria in the prostate.
The therapy must not be stopped at any costs because that way the bacteria may be harmful again and infect the bladder again. An obstructed urine flow can be caused by numerous complications and it can be very harmful because it lessens the possibility of the bacteria being flushed out with urine. Repeated urine obstruction may lead to a diverticulum which increases the risk of infection further. Other causes of cystitis may include a catheter or some other instrument that enters the urinary tract, a vesicoenteric fistula or unexplained inflammatory conditions.
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