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Information on Bilberry

Bilberries are actually close relatives of blueberries, theyare very delicious and they are usually consumed in its raw form or as a jam oran extract. There are quite a few savory stories that can be associated with bilberry,especially in Ireland. Nowadays, they are quite popular all around the globe.

People use bilberries to make cakes, jams, pies and they also consume them intheir raw form or perhaps juiced. Bilberries are also an important ingredientof several types of alcoholic beverages traditionally made in Italy and France.Their extracts are a common thing in the modern medicine as well. Bilberry isusually smaller than a blueberry but is much juicier at the same time.Consumption of bilberry may also lead to certain side effects in some cases.

Side Effects of Bilberry

Bilberry is botanically referred to as vaccinium myrtillus.Moderate consumption should not trigger any unwanted side effects, butoverconsumption is usually the cause of all side effects that may be affiliatedwith bilberries. Bilberry tea can be used to prevent and treat diabetes,arthritis, ulcers and gouts, but if one exceeds the suggested daily dosage itmay lead to poisonous effects in the human body. That occurs because bilberrycontains tannins which may cause muscular contractions, drastic weight loss, andin some cases, they may even be fatal.

Bilberry is also efficient in preventingthe blood from clotting which may be potentially dangerous for those who sufferfrom numerous different types of bleeding disorders. Certain bilberryingredients are used extensively in the production of some types of bloodthinning medications. These medications are usually used by those who sufferfrom subsequent problematic blood circulation and thicker blood variety.Excessive consumption of bilberry combined with certain other herbalsupplements may lead to a decrease of levels of sugar in the blood. That is whypeople who take medications for hypoglycemia should avoid consuming bilberries.

Bilberry can also be consumed in a form of tincture which should be diluted inwater. It can also be consumed in the form of extracts or capsules. Minor sideeffects of bilberry include diarrhea, itchy hives, dry mouth, respiratoryconstrictions and inflammatory conditions of the lips, tongue and cheeks.Pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid consuming bilberries in any ofits different forms. Bilberry providesnumerous medical benefits and it triggers certain side effects only when one doesnot follow the strict dosage.

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