Hemorrhoids are swollen blood vessels normally present in the anus and lower part of the rectum, which often occur as a result of high pressure in blood vessels of this region. The most common cause of hemorrhoids is straining during defecation, but it may also may be pregnancy, genetic factors, aging, chronic constipation, diarrhea, improper diet (too spicy, salty or sour), often consuming alcohol, prolonged sitting and anus infections.
Before approaches to the treatment of hemorrhoids, it is essential to determine which of these causes led to its occurrence. Then, the treatment for its removal determines. In the treatment of hemorrhoids should primarily start from the diet that should be high in fiber (fruits, vegetables, cereals). Fiber helps in softening and eliminating stool and reducing straining during defecation. Also, it is necessary to drink plenty of fluids.
Sitting in warm water for 10-20 minutes 3-4 times a day could significantly ease the itching, pain and discomfort caused by hemorrhoids. In addition, ice packs can be directly applied to hemorrhoids to mitigate the swelling.
Sitting on a soft pad can also relieve discomfort caused by reducing pressure.
Maintaining the hygiene of rectal area, which means it’s cleaning every time after defecation, can be of a great help in overcoming hemorrhoids.
One of the oldest and most popular natural medicines in Europe that significantly contributes to easing symptoms of hemorrhoids is a Horse chestnut. In addition, alcoholate of the nut with its anesthetic and anti-inflammatory properties greatly alleviates the symptoms of hemorrhoids.
Bearing in mind the fact that the neurotransmitters of nitric oxide contributes to the relaxation of the anal sphincter, this is the idea about application of organic nitrates in the treatment of chronic hemorrhoids. The study of random sample consisting of 80 patients demonstrated that in 68 percent of cases hemorrhoids have cured using a 0.2% nitroglycerin. Besides the treated group these are placed in groups in which 8% patients have reported eliminating hemorrhoids but with a parallel implementation of other drugs. Nitroglycerin reduces anal pressure and anodermal blood flow leading to relief of hemorrhoid symptoms. In addition to nitroglycerin, 1% Is obsorbed dinitrate in almost the same percentage of the 34 examined patients led to the elimination of chronic hemorrhoids. But, nitroglycerin has certain side effects that are manifested in the occurrence of headache, which is generally tolerable and transient. In addition, the treatment of cardiovascular disease has discovered developing tolerance to nitrite, especially in its longer appliance. The same case has been reported with long-term use of nitroglycerin in the treatment of hemorrhoids.
Respecting the above guidelines, symptoms such as pain, discomfort and swelling should subside within 2-7 days, while the complete withdrawal of hemorrhoidal nodules need 4-6 weeks. If even after the application of these methods there is no improvement, it is necessary to visit the doctor.
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