Most of the people today are under the constant daily stress. Today, stress is considered one of the prime causes of the disease. Unmanaged stress leads to tension, anxiety and disturbance in mental conditions which, in turn, cause various physical complications. The list of diseases caused by stress is very long, including problems with blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases and asthma. There are literally hundreds of causes that can provoke anxiety and tension in people, but one of the most efficient ways to manage all that accumulated tension is a simple meditation.
Benefits of meditation
Meditation has numerous fantastic benefits for humans. When the mind focuses on a particular part of the body, the general well being will gradually improve since the blood flow in that particular part of the body increases, supplying the tissues with oxygen and nutrients. Meditation can also slow the heart rate and the respiratory rate, while deep fluid diaphragmatic breathing increases the oxygen supply to the blood. Meditation promotes the feeling of relaxation and decreases the muscular tension and headaches. People suffering from anxiety attacks may especially benefit from meditation, since it lowers the levels of blood lactate. Meditation increases the serotonin production and affects positively one’s mood and behavior. It helps to build self confidence and enhances the immune system. People who are practicing meditation on a regular basis are less likely to suffer from viral infections, and they will be emotionally stronger than the others.
How to meditate?
There are many different types of meditation and one can engage in the one he or she founds the most appealing. Guided meditation is very good for the beginners, as well as for those willing to reach higher level of consciousness. Meditation can also consist of simple deep and relaxed breathing, while the person focuses on the body, becoming more aware of the body and soul union. Visualization is another great way to enjoy meditation, by imagining relaxing scenery and trying to experience it with all of the senses. Whatever type of meditation one chooses, it is important to follow a couple of important tips. First of all, one should always meditate in a quiet environment with no distractions. It is important to take the time for meditation, and plan this time in advance. Meditation should last at least anywhere from 3 to 10 minutes. One can play relaxing music or listen to the guided meditation while trying to picture every scene in the mind. It is important to remain open to meditation and truly let the change occur.
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