Here is a list of baby gear I wish I never bought.
A travel system that included a stroller, a bassinet to click into the stroller, and a carseat. While the bassinet was a nice place to sleep for a few weeks, my daughter grew out of it within a couple of months, and we used the bassinet option only a few times outside. A simple stroller and carseat combination would have been much cheaper and no less useful. See stroller shopping tips for more info. Tons and tons of baby cosmetics. Apparently, it's necessary to have soap, bath stuff, body lotions, and diaper cream. I found soap and diaper cream was quite enough. A baby scale. It was expensive, and there is really no need to weigh your baby at home they do that at the pediatrician's office, anyway. Newborn mittens. Some newborn babies do have long nails and scratch themselves, but mine never did. Pack N Play. When I needed to put my baby somewhere safe for a few moments while going to the bathroom for instance, their crib was just as good as an additional Pack N Play. It took up a lot of space, so I gave it away pretty quickly. A baby bath. I found washing tiny babies in the sink to be much more convenient, and later the regular bathtub was just fine. Again, a waste of space.
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