Information on Nerve Inflammation
The biggest issue about the medical condition known asnerve inflammation is that it sometimes may even lead to a loss of movement inthe affected area of the human body. This is why it needs to be treated ontime. Inflammatory conditions, swelling and irritation that occur in the nervesare medically referred to as chronic inflammatory polyneuropathy.
This type ofmedical condition may cause severe damage to the nerves which are locatedoutside the brain or the spinal cord.
This condition affects many nerves atonce and it may affect both sides of the body, but mostly it occurs in theback. Guillain Barre syndrome involves acute inflammatory demyelinatingpolyneuropathy which lasts only for short periods of time.
The cause of nerveinflammation is relatively unknown. In some cases it may be caused by abnormalimmune responses, but it can also be affiliated with certain other medicalconditions such as HIV, blood cell abnormalities, lupus erythematosus,inflammatory bowel syndrome, and chronic active hepatitis.
Symptoms and Treatment
There is an extensive list of different types of symptomsthat a person may or may not experience while suffering from inflammatoryconditions that affect the nerves.
The symptoms include difficulty whilewalking, muscle contractions, trouble using arms and hands, loss of sensationin the muscles, trouble using legs and feet, uncoordinated motions, weakness offace, paralysis of the face, difficulty while breathing, fatigue, weakness inthe hands or legs, trouble while swallowing, sensation of burning, speechimpairment, tingling or certain other abnormal sensations, changes in thevoice, bowel problems, hoarse voice, decreased sensation, muscle atrophy,numbness, pain in the joints, pain, abnormal motion and bladder relatedproblems.
Chronic inflammatory polyneuropathy is a very complex medicalcondition and it needs to be treated by controlling the actual symptoms of thecondition. It is possible to recover from this medical condition but it israther common to lose a nerve function even after a successful recovery. If aperson notices any of the aforementioned symptoms it is very important to seekimmediate medical attention.
In order to diagnose the condition properly adoctor needs to check the patient physically and run a few tests such as spinaltap, nerve conduction, electromyography and nerve biopsy.
The treatment usuallyinvolves corticosteroids which are efficient in reducing inflammatoryconditions. Immune system suppressants may sometimes be used in certain severecases. Anti-depressants and lidocaine need to be used in diabetic patients.
Changes in the plasma can also sometimes provide good results. The conditioncan also lead to certain further medical complications such as permanent lossof sensation of the affected part of the human body.
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