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Pregnancy is a wonderful period in a woman’s life, but the truth is, it does come with a problem or two. Backache, swollen feet, morning sickness, headaches, constipation and other nuisances are common during pregnancy, and if that is not enough, there are acne too.

Most women thought they were done with acne once they grow out of adolescence, but unfortunately they will probably have to face them once more in pregnancy.

Acne in pregnancy

Acne occur during pregnancy for the similar reason why they occur in adolescent years. The reason lies in hormones. Hormonal levels increase during those nine months, and it leads to skin changes, including acne.

The main culprit of acne in pregnancy is the hormone progesterone. Its levels rise significantly and it leads to an increased secretion of sebum. Oily complexion leads to clogged pores and makes a favorable breeding ground for bacteria, which cause acne.

Many moms-to-be worry about acne vulgaris treatment, because some of the treatments are not suitable for pregnant and nursing women. Fortunately, there are other, safer and effective ways to cope with this problem.

Herbal and home treatment for acne

There are many herbs and herbal products, as well as household products, which can be very helpful in fighting acne during pregnancy, and they are safe too. This, however, does not mean that a pregnant woman should jump into herbal treatment before consulting her doctor.

Lavender essential oil is one of the best natural acne remedies. It has strong antiseptic and antibacterial properties and it can be safely used in pregnancy. It should be applied to the acne-infested area on a daily basis, until the problem subsides.

Belladonna is another great herbal remedy. However, it is taken internally, instead of applying it topically. It is particularly effective in case acne are filled with pus.

Hepar sulphur is beneficial for very big, very painful and pus-filled acne. It is always better to go with this remedy than to squeeze or pop the pimples, in order to avoid scarring.

Rose oil also works well, and so does witch hazel and kali bromatum.

Of course, it is vital to take proper care of the skin, in terms of cleaning and moisturizing. Even though it becomes more oily, the skin of pregnant women still needs gentle moisturizing, and it should be cleaned twice a day, using a gentle facial wash.

Benzoyl peroxide creams are considered safe for pregnant women and they are very effective against acne. They should, however, be used in moderation and in more diluted forms, for example 2.5 percent instead of 5 or 10 percent benzoyl peroxide.

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