Acne is one of the most common medical conditions and it affects a large number of people everywhere around the world. It is also an unfortunate fact that it affects women much more than it affects men. Women are much more concerned with acne because they are always obsessed with their looks much more than men are. Women are more prone to acne than men because their hormonal system is much more unstable and complicated than the hormonal system in men. All treatment for acne designed for women are also usually much more expensive than those which intended to be used by men. In most cases, acne affects the people in their teenage years. Boys usually start experiencing acne around the age of thirteen, while the girls usually tend to get them for the first time at the average age of eleven. This is because girls usually mature much earlier than boys as they enter puberty two years earlier. The teenage years always bring along certain rapid changes in the levels of hormones in the body. That can be said for both testosterone and estrogen. Androgens are a lesser known type of hormones but they are also very important for the occurrence of acne. Increased levels of androgens affect the girls much earlier, but they tend to be much higher in the boys.
Acne in Women
In most women acne tends to persist into adulthood, if it occurs in the teenage years for the first time. The menstrual cycle is commonly associated with various different sorts of hormonal changes so that is why it is also commonly inseparable from acne, especially in those girls and women who first started having acne in their teenage years. Acne also tends to follow the monthly cycle commonly associated with menstruation. Most women suffer from acne even in their twenties, and the condition gradually disappears once they reach their forties and sometimes even thirties. Acne affects only fifteen percent of female population over fifty years old.
Acne can be relieved during the period of pregnancy, but it is usually just a shift of an acne pattern. Even when it does occur during pregnancy, acne is present usually during the third semester because that is the time of rapid hormonal changes in the body of a woman. Women may use most over the counter medications in order to resolve this annoying medical condition. Natural remedies can be a better option in some cases.
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