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Facial tics are involuntary, repetitive and unusual movements of certain parts of your face. Namely, this phenomenon can affect many different parts of our face specifically. Nevertheless, the most common facial tics are eye blinking, grimacing, nose wrinkling, throat clearing and grunting, along with many others. These tics are usually symptoms of a condition such as Tourette's syndrome. Usually, they affect us during certain parts of our lives, disappearing afterwards. Yet, there are cases where the condition remains persistent and bother us constantly, for the rest of our lives.

Reasons behind Facial Tics

Even though this condition is quite mysterious and is yet to be explained completely, there are certain factors which may be behind it, causing it directly. For example, numerous deficiencies like magnesium insufficiency and other such conditions can trigger diseases which manifest through facial tics. Other causes are mostly neurological and inherited genetically. Still, there were cases when stress was a factor strong enough to trigger this phenomenon.

Living with Facial Tics

This is quite a disturbing condition to live with, especially if you are a child. Then, facial tics may be misinterpreted as acts of rebellion, spite or attracting attention. Thus, children can be misunderstood and judged, even though they have no control over their facial tics. Subsequently, they might develop self-esteem issues and become antisocial, due to their fear of exposure.

Luckily, there are ways of dealing with facial tics effectively.

Treatment for Facial Tics

As far as medical support is concerned, once you suffer from facial tics you are likely to be given neuroleptics, which are drugs also given to patients suffering from schizophrenia and other mental disorders. However, these drugs are not designed for treating this problem and will likely prove to be inefficient, causing numerous side-effects which can only make one's life harder.

Yet, there is a method which works, helping people overcome the reasons behind their facial tics. Neuro-linguistic programming and hypnosis are two of the most effective ways of dealing with these kinds of problems, due to the fact that, most likely, the causes of our tics are rooted deep inside our subconsciousness.

Once your therapist finds the cause of your facial tics are realizes that it is acute, he/she might reprogram you subconsciousness, telling it do divert the tics to your toes, making them invisible to others. Hypnosis, on the other hand, allows you to relax and get rid of your frustrations, which can be a potential cure for facial tics as well.

Either way, both of these methods hold great promise and everyone with facial tics should try these, since neuro-linguistic programming and hypnosis may help getting rid of this set of problems permanently.

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