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Hypochondria is a psychological condition, where a person is convinced that he or she is suffering from a severe physical illness, and cannot be assured that he or she is perfectly healthy even when all tests show that there is nothing wrong. The individual suffering for this condition stays very anxious after doctor’s examines and his assurance is that he is healthy, and he will keep visiting doctor even after that. Personwho suffers from hypochondria is sure that she or he has some severe illness even if there are no objective signs of any physical disorder. Very often, they can be obsessed with the idea that they have AIDS or cancer. That is likely to happen if they had recently read something about that illness, as they often read about different types of illnesses. Sometimes they imagine suffering from illnesses such as "weak nerves," or "a worn-out gall bladder". Doctor might tell them a hundred times that they are fine and their nerves and gall bladder are in perfect condition but they still won’t be assured and they will very likely visit doctors again regarding the same matter.

Evenif the physical conditions hypochondriacs complain about are unreal, it can affect their body functioning. If they are obsessed with having slow blood, they will generally feel exhausted and will imagine the symptoms, which they can really experience. There are numerous researches, which say that our mind is very influential on how our body will function. Therefore, if hypochondriac is obsessed with the idea that he is very ill, his body will follow that, and he will feel the symptoms. This kind of condition can result in depression, obesity, anemia and weakened immune system, and the quality of sufferer’s life will be affected.

Ifsomeone suffers from hypochondria, we won’t help them if we just say that he or she is perfectly healthy. The kind of help that hypochondriac needs is psychological, because he is not comfortable with constantly thinking that he will die from some imaginary illness, but he is anxious since he can’t stop thinking about it. It is similar to someone who has social phobia. He doesn’t want to have social phobia but he can’t help feeling fear from people or speaking in front of a public. Luckily, there are some treatments, which are helpful here. There is a very well-known technique called neuro-linguistic programming or NLP, which is often combined with hypnosis and it gives the best results. It is important that you find a good therapist with excellent NLP knowledge and he will help you to change your negative thinking into positive one.

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