Eating Healthy is Important
In order for our muscles, brain and heart to work properlywe need to eat healthy food and we need to stay fit. Eating all the junk foods isnot good at all. They only have a lot of calories and nothing healthy for us. Nowadays,a lot of children across America are overweight and obese. Neither they northeir parents are paying attention to how much they eat. A lot of them are prone to have some kinds ofserious diseases or heart problems. If a child eats properly and takes onlyenough amounts of the right nutrients, his/her muscles and vital organs willdevelop normally. Healthy food influences the proper growth of the child. Balanceddiet is considered even for teens and adults. Around 75% of our body is made ofwater, which is why nutritionists say that each person should drink two liters of waterevery day. It helps in eliminating the toxins from the body.
Healthy Food
Eating healthy can help in preventing various diseases. Importantnutrients like calcium, iron, proteins, fats and carbohydrates should be takenon daily basis but in proper amounts. Foods like cheese, alfalfa sprouts, beetgreens, asparagus, Chinese cabbage, salmon and yogurt have a lot ofcalcium in them, which is very important to take especially while the child is growing. Milk is also very rich in calcium so children should drink itevery day. Children usually drink it in the morning along with cereals.
Besides calciumthe foods rich in iron should also be taken every day, since the iron deficiencycan lead to restlessness, irritability and feeling weak or tired. Iron richfoods include dried apricots, egg yolk, prunes, spinach, pumpkin seeds,chicken, legumes, lentils, beans, green leafy vegetables, fish,tofu, poultry, and red meat.
Proteins are also very important ineveryday`s eating program, because they are the builders of most of your body`s organs,hormones and muscles. A lot of food is rich in proteins and such foods arewatermelon, papaya, banana, tomatoes, potatoes, cabbage, broccoli,cheese, ham, cornmeal, rye, yogurt, beans, wheat, salmon, fish, bacon, lentils,oatmeal, mushrooms, brown rice, egg white, lean meats, chicken and turkey.
Fora proper and healthy diet, fats and carbohydrates must also be included. Theyhave positive effects on the proper functioning of the heart, immune system,digestive system and nervous system. Foods that are rich in fats andcarbohydrates are beans, lentils, sweet born, orange, oatmeal, raisins, apples and whole wheat bread.
There are a lot of antioxidants infruits and vegetables and they should be taken every day because they prevent highlevels of cholesterol and keep the normal blood pressure. Eating thefruits and vegetables on a daily basis can also prevent developing of varioustypes of cancers.
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