The essence of it all
The answer to this almost universal question is that the role of nutrition lies in the fact thatfood varieties that we consume on a daily basis is what our body craves inorder to acquire all the necessary nutrients needed for it to function properlyand maintain our overall health on an extremely high level. Nutrition as suchis viewed as a mixture of some key and essential needs, i.e.water and food. When it comes to food, it needs to be pointed out that it iscomprised of as much as six different classes of nutrients. In more practicalterms, a proper and desirable nutrition is the one that is sufficient inproper amounts of not only macronutrients, but micronutrients as well. Theformer are known to have in them various proteins, carbohydrates and also fats, whereas the latter consist of vitamins, minerals and water. If we break theseinto even smaller categories, then the following could be said, i.e. writtenregarding both groups of vital substances:
Proteins areresponsible for muscle building, as well as for forming and maintaining animmune system, which is able to stand up to just about any disease, illness orunwanted temporary condition and infection. In the sense of quantity, thisnutrient is certainly regarded as one of the most present ones. Proteins alsohave the ability to build new tissues, as well as perform cells repairsand form hormones and enzymes known to be vital for our metabolism and proper sexualdevelopment, for example.Carbohydrates are knownas the main sources of energy, and are thus extremely important for our bodies.Their most predominant function is to provide our body with the necessary energy.Furthermore, they are also responsible for the formation of cellular constituent.In case the amount found in the person’s body is insufficient, then this inducesthe occurrence of ketone production, leading ultimately up to the ailment knownalso as ketosis. In terms of figures, the recommended amount of carbs thatneeds to be taken in every day amounts to 60% of the entire quantity of food that one eats.Fats are alsoregarded as additional energy sources and contrary to the opinion of generalpublic, they do not only make one fat, but also perform other quite useful functionssuch as controlling and making sure that the usage of soluble vitamins (A, D,E, K) is proper.Vitamins are knownto be most important when it comes to controlling and keeping a watchful eye onbodily processes.Water is responsiblefor giving our cells their shape, as well as for playing the role of a medium, thus facilitating numerous processes that go on in the person’s body.Minerals make body tissues and are also involved in keeping an eye on and making sure that bodilyprocesses are performed in a most satisfactory manner.
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