The main symptoms of post-vasectomy pain syndrome are chronic pain in the pelvic area, increased pain during strenuous physical exercise or sexual intercourse, and painful sensations during orgasm. These symptoms can start immediately after a man has undergone a vasectomy, but they can also crop up years later in some cases. The symptoms of post-vasectomy pain syndrome range from mild and annoying, to severe and debilitating. So, how often does post-vasectomy pain syndrome or PVPS strike men who have had the big snip? Some sources say that this condition is very rare, while other studies carried out into post-vasectomy pain syndrome found that as many as a third of men who underwent a vasectomy experience some type of ongoing discomfort related to that procedure.
In some cases, post-vasectomy pain syndrome resolves all by itself after a while. Some men experience so much pain that they need an additional surgery to solve the problem. If you have had a vasectomy and recognize the symptoms, seeing your healthcare provider preferably the doctor who carried out your vasectomy is always a good idea. Short-term treatment may be focused on symptom relief, and the situation will be monitored. Men who are thinking about having a vasectomy should always take into account that complications, including post-vasectomy pain syndrome, are possible. A conversation with your doctor may provide you with more information about the chances of developing post-vasectomy pain syndrome following the operation, as well as other risk of having a vasectomy. You may also like to read about having a vasectomy reversal.
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