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Aerobic exercise is usually described as a low intensity and long duration workout. Even some of the normal daily activities, that are not part of any kind of workout, may fall under the category of aerobic exercise. For example, if a person is taking a long walk, he or she are actually having a very beneficial aerobic exercise, as they slowly engage their muscles, with almost no effort, for a long period of time. Aerobic exercises focus on the aerobic energy system, which is responsible for use of oxygen in the body's metabolic or energy-generating process. The name “aerobic” actually translated as “with oxygen”.

Benefits of aerobic exercise

Regular aerobic exercise improves one’s health, fitness levels and even prevents many serious diseases. This type of disease is especially good for weight control. Aerobic exercise may be the most effective way to lose and control weight as this type of workout boosts the metabolism. Metabolism is actually the rate at which human body uses the calories. During the aerobic exercise, the excess calories were burnt, instead of being stored as fats.

Aerobic exercise also increases the stamina and reduces fatigue; it activates the immune system and makes people less vulnerable to colds and infections. Aerobic exercise lowers one’s risk of obesity, coronary heart diseases, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, strokes, and even certain types of cancer. Researches show that people engaged in regular aerobic activity have about 30%-40% less risk of developing colon cancer. Aerobic exercise also strengthens the heart and helps it pump blood more efficiently. This improves blood circulation and supplies every living cell in the body with the appropriate amount of oxygen and nutrients. This benefit is also known as “aerobic conditioning”.

Aerobic exercise also strengthens the muscles involved in respiration, and increases the total count of red blood cells in the body. It also improves one’s mood, reduces depression, tension and anxiety, and helps people to remain strong and independent even when they are very old.

Types of aerobic exercise

Aerobic exercise is also known as cardio exercise. Many fitness programs refer to this type of training as simply “cardio”. Aerobic exercise comes in many forms and all of them have one same principle: low-impact workout of long duration. Any kind of exercise that involves continuous motion for a long period of time is considered aerobic exercise. Examples of aerobic exercises are tennis, long distance running, aerobic dance classes, stair climbing, swimming, cross-country skiing, bicycling, elliptical training, rowing, etc.

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