Drinking tea made from fennelseeds will improve the general state of your body. In this text, we willdiscuss the effect of this tea on our body. The fennel is a curious vegetable.It is white in color and can be consumed with vegetables or fruits. Celery is avery similar vegetable in shape, but not in the color. The effects of thisvegetable were known even in the ancient Greece. In those times, it was used inmedicine. Anglo-Saxons considered it to be holy. We can track the use of thisvegetable even in China, where it has been used as a remedy for the snakebite.Ancient Romans also used this powerful remedy. In the nineteenth century thefennel came to the America. The ancient Greeks called this vegetable the"marathon", which stands for "to grow thin". One battle inthe 490 BC was named "The battle of Marathon". It was named like thisbecause the battle took place in an area known for the production of thefennel, which is located less than 30 miles outside the Athens. However, enoughtalk about the vegetable.
What about the effect on the humanbody? In India, the treatment of heartburn, dyspepsia, bloating and flatulencyconsists of chewing the fennel. It can also remove the bad breath and gas. Thisherb can even help with the weight reduction. This is possible since this herbhelp the body to release the water (prevents the water gathering, individualwill urinate more after the consumption), and also detoxifies the body. Fenneltea can successfully treat the constipation, diarrhea and bowel syndrome. Itcan also bring better days to the ones with sexual problems and flagginglibido. By putting the cotton dips on the eye, previously dipped in the fenneltea, a person can eliminate an eye infection, such as pink eye. Fennel is apopular remedy for the catarrh. This condition gathers the mucus in the upperrespiratory tract, and the fennel will help with the mucus removal. Women whoare pregnant can drink the fennel tea, and it can make the contraction andlabor begin earlier. It can also be used by patients with Crohn's disease,colitis or nausea and can help with removal of worms in children. This herbwill also help people with certain blockages in the spleen, liver or bladder,and even help the babies with the colic spasm.
At the end, we will tell you howto make the fennel tea. In a bowl put several grounded and cold seeds of fenneladd water and boil for ten to twelve minutes. Drink this tea two times a day,and your body will be thankful.
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