Winter time means trouble
Once winter takes over, not all people are excited about this for this is the time of the year when most get affected by a number of illnesses, which makes their winter joys, well, less joyful. Those most frequently encountered illnesses include such as pneumonia, bronchitis, flu and alike. However, when this time of the year comes, those individuals who suffer from asthma are at the greatest risk of coming down with any of the above mentioned illnesses. Those who exhibit visible manifestations often wonder whether they are under direct influence of a walking pneumonia or even bronchitis.In spite of the fact that neither of the two are actually regarded as synonymous, they do share some similar characteristics. The one regarded as the most prominent is that in both cases, the person's lower respiratory system is under attack. That is to say, both illnesses have the tendency to affect the airways, which ultimately leads all the way to the person's lungs.Characteristics and specificsIn order for a person to be able to make a proper distinction between these two health-intruding illnesses, one has to be well informed of those characteristics that are most prominent for each of the two ailments.Walking pneumonia – once there occurs a fairly severe infection that affects the lungs, then a person in question is diagnosed with pneumonia. Although there does not exist one single prominent causer, the one regarded as the most frequent is bacteria. Most prominent manifestations include such as excessive fatigue, headaches, appetite loss, abnormal sweating, dank skin etc. In case of walking pneumonia, the main culprit and inducer is mycoplasma pneumonia bacteria, placing it in the category of more atypical pneumonia. Despite the fact that it represents extremely mild form of pneumonia, its manifestations can, at times, prove to be quite troubling and menacing, prolonging it for months. The most common one includes dry cough. Due to its mild nature, hospitalization is not necessary.Bronchitis is characterized by its tendency to affect the bronchi, which are known to be the main conveyors of air from trachea into the person's lungs. Such occurrences as infections and inflammations have extremely undesired and harmful effects for the cells located in the bronchi. Once the cilia becomes clogged, mucus begins to be created, making breathing extremely difficult if not expelled in due time. Two most prominent varieties are acute and chronic. The former is known to durate for approximately ten days, while the latter may even take as much as three months, and in some cases even more.
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